The technology learning area covers two types of technology: material technology and
information and communication technology. Material technology starts with the idea for
designing a product, is followed by the selection of raw or refined materials and the process of
transforming them through the use of tools/utensils and processes, and then ends with the
evaluation and improvement of the process and product.
The study of material technologies contributes to the foundation of a knowledge-based society by developing the learner’s
- knowledge and understanding of materials, tools/utensils and processes;
- skills in design and production;
- creativity and the ability to innovate; and
- understanding of the importance of technology for development.
Material technologies include the subjects
- Design and Technology (Grades 5-12),
- Technical Studies A or B or C (Grades 8-9),
- Technical Drawing (Grades 8-9),
- Metalwork and Welding, Woodwork, Building Studies, Motor Mechanics (Grades 10-11), and
- Fashion and Fabrics (Grades 8-11).
The term 'information and communication technology' comprises all the technology and media
used for the management and communication of information. Studying ICTs include finding,
evaluating, processing and presenting information. The study of information and communication
technology contributes to the foundation of a knowledge-based society in developing the
- knowledge and understanding of the nature of information and information processes,
and the workings of ICT equipment and networks;
- skills in using ICTs to process and present information;
- creativity and the ability to innovate ICTs; and
- understanding of the importance of ICTs for development.
Information and communication technology include the following subjects:
- Information and Communication (Grades 5-12),
- Office Practice (Grades 8-11),
- Computer Studies (Grades 8-9)and
- Computer Science (Grades 10-12).
Other pre-vocational subjects are
- Home Ecology (Grades 5-7),
- Home Economics (Grades 8-11),
Hospitality (Grades 8-11), and - Health and Social Care (Grades 10-11).
Note: Technical subjects in the junior secondary phase are grouped according to learners’ future
career-related subject areas.
The subjects are grouped as follows:
- Technical Studies A: Metalwork and Welding, Woodwork, Bricklaying and Plastering;
- Technical Studies B: Electricity and Electronics, Motor Mechanics, and Metalwork and Welding;
- Technical Studies C: Bricklaying and Plastering, Electricity and Electronics, and Plumbing and Pipefitting.